Taking the Pulse of the Ross Ice Shelf

Principal Investigators

Collaborators & Other Participants


Primary support for this project was provided by NSF Polar Programs.

California Dept. of Parks and Recreation provided additional support.

Media & Contacts

Media Contact: Dr. Peter Bromirski, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego.

Media Coverage

HAM Radio Field Contact: Dr. Reinhard (Ron) Flick.

2014 Dates Location Call Sign
30 Oct - 10 Nov McMurdo KC4USV
10 Nov - 1 Dec Yesterday Camp (RIS) KC4/K6REF
3-5 Dec McMurdo KC4USV

Note: all dates approximate depending on conditions. Amateur radio operations are part of the outreach and education efforts of the "Dynamic Response of the Ross Ice Shelf to Wave-Induced Vibrations" expedition from late October to early December 2014. Between about October 30 and November 10, team member Dr. Reinhard (Ron) Flick, staff oceanographer for the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways, will operate from the ham station at McMurdo, call sign KC4USV as work schedule and propagation conditions permit. For about three weeks starting November 10, Ron plans to operate from Yesterday Camp near the International Date Line using a 100-watt transceiver and wire dipole antennas on the 20, 15, and 10-meter amateur bands, again as time and conditions permit. Radio operations will be attempted in the afternoon and evening, local time, 12 hours from GMT. For example, 15:00 local is 03:00 GMT, or 22:00 Eastern and 19:00 Pacific time (after November 2 when Standard Time resumes in the US). Ron's call sign will be KC4/K6REF where KC4 designates Antarctica and K6REF is his personal call sign.

HAM radio station, McMurdo, Antarctica

HAM radio station, McMurdo, Antarctica